Monday, July 09, 2007

I make $7/hour

My neighbor Hustla, who picks up trash, makes $9.50. Plus overtime.

EXPLOITATION. Seriously. And they are taking FICA out of my paycheck when wikipedia tells me that they don't have to because I'm a full-time student. That was $50!

$7/hour ... if I were working 40 hours/week, that would be about $1200 BEFORE taxes and less than $1,000 after. With that, I would be able to pay my rent and EITHER pay my electricity or eat. There would be no car insurance, no gasoline.

Whatever. I'm just startled to see that we really are only making $7/hour - nobody told me how much we were going to be paid. It really makes it NOT worth my while to drive over there in terms of gasoline - and I'm going to start charging my travel time as paid time.

Well, I didn't take this research job to get rich ... I knew it paid crap - I just didn't know HOW bad. I took the job to have something legal to put on my resume and to get a recommendation - and my boss, who happens to be on the cover of the most recent New Orleans magazine, seems pleased with me. With us. She should be. How many years in college to get to this point, where I can earn $7/hour. Oh yeah - and I'm going to count all this time talking about my job as worktime too.

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