Sunday, May 06, 2007


This little guy has apparently moved into the neighborhood - he's been chilling on my front stoop all day (this is my security door, at an angle). Isn't he cute? His cousin is at my new place. I didn't get all the tail - it's very, very long - made me think it was a tiny snake at the new place.

Fantasies? Dirt. I have such a filthy mind - I can't wait to garden, and think I found topsoil. Now that I know I can do whatever I want with the entire backyard I'm having a hard time reining myself in - but a small bed is good. Maybe two. But small ones. And flowers, too.

But, I'm still not sure I'll be around. Because I'm flaky like that.

I'll try to embed this. It's a video about wheelbarrow pushers in Monrovia, Liberia - a very nice cultural insight. You get to hear some Liberian English (which I way miss hearing). But - sweltering heat? And that's dry season there - you get sweltering heat in wet season too and that's way messed up.

I don't know if I'll go to Liberia or not. My heart feels too tender right now, and I'm too angry at Dayton and, honestly, all Liberian men. It's not fair and it'll pass, but right now it hurts me. So I don't know if I'll go.

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