Thursday, May 03, 2007

two down

Things I do not want to hear on my way out of exam:
"I think I knew everything on that exam."
"That wasn't as bad as I thought. I think I did pretty well."

Dammit, dammit, dammit. This was the Property exam and it was HARD. Too much stuff to remember which wasn't attached to any case (my childhood days of watching soap operas with older relatives, and maybe my literature study, helps me remember things from cases, which is my only advantage here now).

All I can pray for is a B. I just don't want below a B. That would be very bad. I just really have no sense of how I did. And now I have to wait for like 6 weeks to find out. Dammit.

Two down. Two to go. I bought a book to study for Monday's exam. Oh, kinda funny - I'm there and there's a huge line behind me and this guy I kinda recognized was there. I've only ever spoken to him once - before an exam last semester. He's Cambodian or Thai, I forgot, but when I saw his name I knew which and he thought that was strange because apparently no Americans do. Anyway, my point is, I waved him over and bought his Tylenol and he was really grateful to me. Then I got to the exam to sign in and Very Tall Nice Guy chatted me up, which he's been doing frequently lately. And I feel guilty every time because first I couldn't ever remember his name, and then I always said it wrong. And he's freakin TALL and I don't like tall people. Don't trust 'em - they're shifty. I mean, he's SERIOUSLY tall - he must be like 6'6" or more. I mean come on - that's not NORMAL. Anyway, he's super nice, and the last time he chatted me up was right before I left for Alaska and he knew my hometown right off the top of his head. That, friends, is just a little creepy. How does he know my hometown? Did I tell him? When? Did he look me up in the "yearbooky" thing that we have?

*I* can hardly remember where I'm from, and the vast majority of people who know me can't either. But this guy whose name I can't remember does?

Ah yes, final exam time is boy season for me. Gotta love it.

I was walking down the street today (OK - any mom reading, STOP NOW) and saw a black condom on the street. And I thought to myself, "Hm. I don't think I've ever used a black condom. Clearly I need to get back into the saddle - there are all sorts of new innovations I'm not yet familiar with. Green and red and other colors I didn't like much - but black - well, considering my proclivities I think that would be quite lovely."

Why limit myself to A rebound boy? Maybe I can make me a Rebound Boy Clan. One guy isn't going to get me over Dayton, but maybe living that Nelly Furtado song would. (You can guess which one.) Like Tami's mom says, I should just move on. I don't think she meant in quite the active way I mean it, but same deal.

OK, gotta eat. I have to fast 14 hours for blood tests tomorrow (not thyroid - thank goodness that doesn't require fasting).

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