Saturday, May 12, 2007

3 hours and 1/4 tank of gas later

I got a little lost going to the mall. Not exactly lost - I knew kind of where it was (somebody drove me past once, saying it's better than the closer mall I usually go to, so I decided to try it) and I checked on-line where they said they had their own freeway exit. So I drove along, PAST Williams, looking for an Esplanade Mall sign.

There was no Esplanade Mall sign. After only one more exit, civilization ended and water began.

What that means is I had to drive about 20 miles before I could turn around. Well, at least I know how to get to Hammond now. ARGH.

This was of course after really long traffic delays because of an accident. Why are there SO MANY accidents on I-10 out in Metairie and Kenner? Why? Why? To torment me?

The good news is: I found a dress. It will be my Summer 2007 All-Purpose Dress, which means I'll basically wear it whenever a dress is called for - first date, Michele's graduation, Gail's wedding, chopping wood at the yurts, blueberry picking with Tami in Mississippi. I'm all about multi-use.

The only problem is that it has pink AND lace and shows a LOT of cleavage (it's mostly brown - I'm not ALL girly ... which means I also need to buy new shoes). So, it's kinda good if I wear it while working in a brothel if my johns have schoolgirl fantasies, but otherwise I'm not sure it's fit for the light of day.

Best news? On sale AND machine washable.

I don't know if all of America has changed sizes, or if it's just that I'm living in the fat capital of the country, but the sizes are all screwy and it always takes me a bunch of clothes that are too big before I start figuring it out. Target is the only place where clothes aren't like that, so my size at Target is about 3 larger than Dillards or other places. So, it takes me forever. And, I don't really have much closet at my new place, but I have ARMOIRE FANTASIES, so I'll be looking around and hoping strong people will help me get one upstairs.

I was trying to figure out why I'm so tired, but it's because I did a LOT today - volunteering at the library, working out, work at the library and 2 hours spent printing out write-on crap, baking muffins, etc. etc. I'm starting to feel stressed, like I have too much to do - but I'm on vacation, so anything that doesn't get done just doesn't get done. I wanted to be done with write-ons before I leave, but that's not going to happen, and that's ok. I started packing last night, but that's stupid - I should wait until Tuesday because I just don't really have that much stuff to pack - I'm just a little concerned about getting all the heavy big stuff I can't do by myself. All my classmates I checked with are out of town already, so it's just me and Ahmed and Tami, the Pregnant Lady. I think it'll work ...

1 comment:

tiff said...

oooo...can't wait to see you wearing that dress chopping wood...we will have to put you in some extra tuff rubber boots to complete the ensemble...giggle:)