Monday, May 07, 2007

taking sides

We live in a divisive age, where nearly everyone seems to be lining up on opposing sides. Republican, Democrat. Poor, rich. Black, white. Liberal, conservative. Pro choice, anti abortion. Pro death penalty, anti death penalty. Christian, heathen.

But the only real issue worth these dividing lines is: Garden burgers vs. Boca burgers.

At the risk of alienating those dear to me, I firmly line up with the Gardenburger. The texture, the flavor - in all ways so superior to that Boca burger which reminds me far too much of the "hamburgers" served middle school. (Probably served in high school too, but once I got friends with cars we spent our lunch time cruising around searching for munchies after various activities.)

Unfortunately Whole Foods' brand is far too much like Boca, which makes me doubt their stand on all sorts of issues. Recycling? Organic? It's all in doubt - I've lost the Whole Foods faith. But I will keep to my moral standards and pay the exorbitant price for the real Gardenburgers. Otherwise, I will lose my sense of self and all that is important to me - it's a slippery slope of compromising standards.

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