Sunday, May 06, 2007

put that sideyard to use

Here's what I'm thinking. I'm moving 5 miles away from school, which will be about a 25 minute commute (10 for driving, 10 for walking from where I park, 5 for driving around looking for parking because I'm too damn cheap to pay for a parking pass - it's like $500!). Plus, it'll be a major pain in the ass to drive over here to use the gym.

I'm thinking: VESPA. Are these not the totally cutest things? And they get such great gas mileage AND I can park it right next to the law school entrance. Away from those nasty smokers, but close enough to not be late to class. AND, I could toodle around through the Quarter with it - and ACTUALLY FIND PARKING. There's a little storage underneath the seat and I could get a top case for more - so I could do most of my shopping with it, and haul my damn books around. Probably can't haul dirt for the garden, but I don't plan on giving up my truck completely.

All that money I saved for Dayton coming here? I'll buy a damn Vespa instead.

I think this silver is sharp, but I'll probably have to go with red because it's way hot.

Step back, I'll be so effin stylin.

Hell's bells. If I drive my stylin Vespa to school - I could finally wear those spiked heels in my closet that I can't walk the mile to school in. Woo hoo!

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