Sunday, May 06, 2007

Jazz Fest

On the one hand, it sounds great - people coming from all over for lots of hanging out listening to great music and eating great food.

The reality? It costs $55/day. Today, because I'm in "I will spend my way over him" mood, that doesn't sound horrible. But you can't take your own food/drinks in, and that adds up very quickly.

But it's not really about the money. It's about the fanny-packed white bread tourists I saw walking past my new apartment toward the mother ship - er, jazz fest in in the park.

And here's a post from a local who gives lots of good reasons to never go.

Don't get me wrong - I'd go if somebody else were paying (such a pity I don't have the right attitude to get me a sugar daddy) and I had good company.

But I'd rather stick my arm in an alligator's mouth. At least then I'd have a good story.

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