Sunday, May 13, 2007

changes aren't always for the best

Neighborman just stopped me to tell me that Landlady is in Houston at a cancer hospital - they just caught very advanced breast cancer. He got it 2nd or 3rd hand, so we're hoping that it's not accurate and that she's fine.

She was just here on Wednesday and I cried lots on her shoulder. She would have told me if she'd known - so maybe she was on the way to the doctor's office then. So much can change so quickly.

I thought I made it clear with the universe that NO MORE BAD THINGS were allowed in my vicinity. Neighborman goes in for a hernia operation tomorrow, so a friend is here to take him in and care for him - and she brought her dog, a rescued Greyhound. My only point there is - Susan Grey just had the hiccups people - surgery is SCARY. I sure hope he's ok. (Yes, I'm well aware that Susan Grey is a fictional character and I'm annoyed that they killed her off - but lots of actual people die all the time from surgical problems.)

So, everybody send healing thoughts to my landlady.

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