Thursday, May 31, 2007

7 out of 10 women

Are wearing the wrong size bra. Including me. Though, I'm not sure it was an accurate fitting - and I think it totally depends on the store and what they have available, and different bra brands & styles fit differently. So it didn't exactly ROCK MY WORLD, Jen, but it did a little paradigm shift. OK, being told I'm a DD is quite a paradigm shift, and not all good - those are harder sizes to find.

But what really rocked my world yesterday was a less than blissful excursion to REI - where they didn't have what I needed! REI let me down! I feel so empty now.

So, my time here is spent frantically working on my papers, hanging outside to get some color, playing with the kids who are both being unbelievably fun and charming, and trying to get some shopping done in this land of no sales tax (but what's with LINEN everywhere? What an inconvenient fabric!).

Avery, king of rule changing so that he always wins, has actually been supportive and I think letting me win - which worries me some. Does that mean he thinks I'm an incompetent invalid? Is he already being gentle with the decrepit Auntie? It's fun to see him do his homework and hear his theories on the world, and to work through the things that puzzle him.

Ashton is a hoot and a half - he's so silly and self-assured that there's never a dull moment with him around. He bust a gut when I told him yesterday that my neighbor's nickname is "doo-doo" (spelled Dodo). He could not stop repeating that and telling everybody (getting him in trouble with dad, of course, who doesn't allow the potty talk).

OK, back to papers. Sigh.

1 comment:

Dr. Krista said...

That's IT! I'm starting a mission... ALL REI'S OUGHT to have EVERYTHING Heidi NEEDS! Come on everyone... let's write letters to REI... BOMBARD them with MALE (I mean MAIL)! Sorry Heidi... If you order stuff online from Oregon, do ya still get NO sales tax?