Friday, May 25, 2007

I was almost killed tonight in Ralph's parking lot

And it wasn't that So Cal gang violence. Nope. Just my friend Jenny who was annoyed with my Madeleine jokes and decided to decapitate me as putting Southern Comfort in the trunk.

But, I'm alive and blogging.

Sabine and I started off the day at Ikea, as all good consumers do. Here is a school group - check out the yellow hats. In what universe is Ikea as good a field trip as a museum? Sigh. Sabine and our 99 cent breakfast.
Successful purchases!
In the Delta Flyer, which actually made it all the way there and back. Without A/C.
Chilling poolside at Michele's.
Krista, the "new squeeze" after she just extinguished a cigarette.

Shirley learning her fortune from Madame Sabine.
Horizontal Jenny. Again.
Eva, looking German.
Our dinner of the evening: pupusas. Flying Saucer Pupusas. Yummilicious.
The Pupusa Girl Gang.
Jen is way flipping excited to drive us to Ralph's to get Campari and Southern Comfort, just before the decapitation attempt. Now I know what this expression means.

1 comment:

tiff said...

oh so much fun to get back to the pictures...enjoy!

see you soon.