Friday, February 02, 2007

1,400 reasons

why lack of gay marriage is discrimination and is wrong.

It's not about a church's blessing or a lifelong dream of that special dress. It's about things like spousal exemptions to property tax increases and veterans' discounts and wrongful death benefits and of course joint parenting.

Julia Louis-Dreyfuss (think Seinfeld) and her husband wrote this great blog post about it.

Here's the thing, really. If I find that really great Ralph's Rocky Road ice cream, I don't want to have it all in my freezer. Hell no - I want to share. I want the world to enjoy it with me, if that's their thing. I know that some people prefer butter pecan or even other brands, but why should I care? Let them all eat ice cream. If they eat their mint chocolate chip, does that in any way interfere in my appreciation of my girl gang rocky road?


Let's just call this anti-gay marriage movement the bigotry that it is, and how it's not that far from the anti-miscegenation laws not that long ago.

I was going to say I get more radicalized as I grow older, but that's not true. I remember the first time I stuck up for gay rights was at the ripe age of 12, and nothing has made me question my commitment.

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