Saturday, February 17, 2007

beads, beads, and more beads

I'm ruined. No more parades anywhere except New Orleans. Where else do they throw so much stuff at you?

People all around me were getting beaned, so I was flinching to protect myself. Not good for catching, but I still made quite a haul.

It was Endymion, the prettiest floats I'm told. The people around me were awesome - all native New Orleanians who gave me the scoop. I went with Tami and her people, which was very nice.

And I got a rubber chicken. A little one.

Oh, and Journey and Styx were in the parade - that was wild.

Anyway, it really is a family holiday around these parts - it's not about flashing breasts and drinking until you puke. Sure, people do that ("tourists" locals sniff disdainfully, and I know they want to say "yankees.") But that's not what it's about.

It's about getting all the crap you can.

It's like the NW Coastal Indian potlatches.

Everybody on the floats was in masks, which I have to say was creepy - but not nearly as creepy as the hooded guys on horseback.

I guess you get used to it.

two thumbs up on Mardi Gras. Throw me somethin, Mister.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

Hooded guys in masks, on horses???


But the throwing around things - Carol said she got knocked in the eye with some beads, heh heh. They really throw things all over the place, eh? That actually does sound like a whole lot of fun, heh heh...=)