Saturday, February 10, 2007


Good god. Did I JUST say that I'm stressed about not enough hours in the day and how I have so much work to do and don't know how I'll get it all done?

And so what did I do, because I'm not wound down enough yet to go to sleep?

Craigslist. Volunteer. And now I'm offering medical assistance during Mardi Gras.

MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. Yeah, I took the CPR classes - but never thought I'd actually USE it! But people here really do have heart attacks and pass out and all sorts of things.

I'm just worried that I'll pass my Mardi Gras time locked up in my apartment with case books. I want to be out and enjoying!

But mostly, I think I'm just really addicted to volunteering. Ah, that sweet smell of working without pay. Gotta love it!

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