Thursday, February 22, 2007

wages of caffeine sin

Maybe you've seen those movies where the protagonist either helps or is a junkie trying to come clean. The sweating and swearing, the DTs, the agony of withdrawal.


How does one cup of coffee a day create such an addiction? It's crazy.

I can't look at the computer screen too much, but I surf for other local races. I have fantasies of being able to run a marathon before I leave here ... but who am I kidding? I can't even stand upright without mindnumbing pain. Walking the five steps to my door to put my shoes on - just thinking about it causes waves of nausea.

Of course I'm the Sam Spade sort of protagonist, and no ibuprofen for me. Nothing to ease the pain of the withdrawals, the wages of my caffeine sin.

ONE CUP A DAY. Seriously, that's all I drink. Maybe once every two weeks I have another cup, but never with caffeine after noon. Maybe once every two weeks I have a Diet Coke. And while I may live for chocolate, it too is not a daily consumption. And that amount leaves me here in shivers. I can feel blood coursing through my veins, seeking out the caffeine rush. Crazy.

I can't study, I can't really be on the internet, and I can't read for long. I can't go to bed now. What the hell am I supposed to do besides suffer?

I'm confused - I think Lent is 40 days, but Crescent City Classic is the day before Easter and it has a banner that says there are 43 days left. If I could focus my eyes on a calendar and remember the order of numbers through this mind-splitting pain, I'd figure it out. But, I guess I'll just stay confused until there's a better day.

Tomorrow I get my hair cut for like the first time in a year. And then I'll go buy a stupid suit.


bellygrrrl said...

I feel ya, sista! Caffeine is the devil's elixir, any way you slice it. I myself have WAY curbed consumption, but yesterday I had 4 sips--4!!--of coke, and my nervous energy buzz has carried over to this morning.
Speaking of trash talking (from your previous post re: Craig's List), I got the Housewives Tarot, and it is NAG-GY, let me tell you! Sabine and I did readings on it, both of us, and it basically told us we needed to do our chores before we could go out and play. It's a trip!

Anonymous said...

That's too bad that you have such a withdrawal problem with the coffee. I was drinking one cup a day for quite a while and then switched to decaf when I found out that had enough caffeine in it. I made the switch without a symptom. Then of course with pregnancy came the disdain for the coffee taste in any form so I don't drink any right now.