Tuesday, February 06, 2007

kingcake info for Gail

There was a kingcake at the Career Development Office yesterday and I was going to take a slice after my meeting - but I forgot. Sigh. The problem is that I'm not going to buy a whole kingcake just for me - I just want a piece or two.

Gail, it's like a brioche - it's a yeast dough with cinnamon in it. The top is a white icing like cinnamon rolls or purple, green, and yellow sugar - or both. The traditional kingcake has no filling, but nowadays they fill it with everything from apples to praline to cream cheese. Cinnabon makes my teeth hurt because it's too sweet, and kingcake isn't that sweet. But yeah, along that vein.

The thing is, you can only eat it from Twelfth Night (Jan 6 - Epiphany) to Mardi Gras, just before Lent starts (February 20 this year). Tami's mom said I can special order one out of season but that just seems blasphemous (says the girl who's against organized religion).

They have boxes of kingcake mix in the grocery store - I was going to pick up a box for you, Gail, but didn't know if you could make it within that window. So let me know if you'd like it. :) Or anybody!

Of course, you don't really need the box - there's a recipe and info here. But the box is fun for the picture on the front - and I presume it already has the colored sugar inside. :)


Gummy said...

Ooo la la! If you mail it, I will make it! Ha ha ha ha...=) Oh wait. Recipe! Must...check...it...out...=)

Gummy said...

wha...??? There's a little BABY in the cake??? That's kinda scary...>_<