Thursday, February 01, 2007


Tiff tagged me and I'm supposed to list six weird things about me.

It's hard! Not because I think I'm not weird (and hey - being a law student now, double negatives are way acceptable!) but because my weird is my normal. I forget, without people telling me, what's strange.

1. I always have two toothbrushes - one for morning, one for night. (If they don't dry out, bacteria grows, blech!) And, I keep them not out because I read once how far toilet water flies with a flush.

2. I check my email while I'm sitting in class. Compulsively. Like, every two minutes I'm checking that inbox, knowing nobody's writing me. It's like a mini-rejection with every click.

3. Mormon commercials make me cry. (Maybe the real reason I don't have a TV.)

4. I don't have a TV. I do, however, watch CSI on my computer.

5. I deliberately chose to move to New Orleans after Katrina and I spend most of my vacations in an African refugee camp.

6. The most exciting mail I get, what really blisses me out, are my bank statements and credit card bills. I balance accounts with zest. The joy of it is only challenged by the real Christmas for me - doing my taxes. Love it.

OK, so I'm now tagging the only other bloggers I know: Gail, Jenny, Lara.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

I finished my tag! Yay! =)