Monday, February 12, 2007

toxic nodule

Today was my appointment with the endocrinologist after last week's scan.

I wish I could post the pictures here of the scan - it's way cool. And depressing. I have a toxic nodule - basically the left side of my thyroid has taken over, sort of a mutiny, and decides to create its OWN hormones rather than listen to my pituitary. Hm - doesn't take orders? Why doesn't that shock me that I would have glands like that. The picture was really clear, and even my untrained eye saw immediately what was going on.

So, I have three treatment options. One, they cut my neck open and remove my thyroid and I go on synthroid for the rest of my life. Two, they give me radioactive iodine which kills most of my thyroid and I go on synthroid probably for the rest of my life. Three, I go on medication now that requires monitoring liver function and other possible side effects and may eventually have to have options one or two.

Also, I can't get pregnant as long as my thyroid is this whacky - all sorts of side effects possible to the baby. And, if I do option #2 (the best), I can't get pregnant for at least a year. (Yet another reason to ditch what's-his-face.)

But, I don't want that to force me into a permanent procedure. So, we decided to continue with observation. I like the endocrinologist. I know she wants me to treat it because she's worried about it getting really bad really fast without warning, which can cause some serious heart damage and the like. ("Thyroid crisis or storm is an acute worsening of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, which may occur with infection or stress. Fever, decreased mental alertness, and abdominal pain may occur, and immediate hospitalization is necessary.) While I've started showing some symptoms, I'm not full-blown.

I haven't found anything on-line about a natural way to cure this. And I'm not talking herbs or anything, but dietary and lifestyle changes I'd do. What if I start yoga and destressing all aspects of my life (is that possible while in law school?) (or - is it possible for me?)? What if I was really good about daily exercise and healthy eating? I've gained 8 pounds recently - and I know I've been lazy since I got back and got that nasty cold, but that's an awful lot of weight pretty quickly.

And I convinced her to sign off on me getting a bone density scan. She and the other doctor don't believe that I've shrunk over an inch in 20 years, but I have. Hopefully it's not a sign of bone density issues, etc. - but it could be a symptom of the hyperthyroidism which would make me more receptive to immediate treatment rather than waiting. She's not sure the insurance would cover it but she said she'd code it for best possibility. Either way, even if I have to pay out of pocket, I'm doing it this week. (I know that medical care in New Orleans now has a really bad rap - but this is honestly the best and most expeditious care I've ever received in my life anywhere.)

This all probably also means that I shouldn't leave for three months this summer. If I could thyroid storm, or if we're trying to adjust my synthroid levels, either way I don't want to be too far away from her.

Damn it all.

1 comment:

bellygrrrl said...

Good grief! I'm sorry about the potential synthyroid news...I know your body has always preferred natural treatments. And I'm super sorry about potentially being "grounded" in one place for a whopping 3 whole months! How will that even be possible?
So, does this mean you couldn't even steal away to Mexico for a week in late summer with me? Barring I could afford it, of course. I'm so itching to get a move on learning Spanish. Could you and your thyroid do it for the team? :)