Friday, February 23, 2007

good news, bad news

The bad news is I couldn't find a suit. I tried on three different pair of pants with exactly the same size on them - one was 20 pounds too large, another 10 pounds too small, and another a foot short. They all said the same size exactly! I gave up, disgusted, and will have to try some other stores.

The good news is, I need a suit for Friday. OK, maybe that's bad news for me right now, but good news overall. I got one interview with a firm. They have 15 interview slots open, they interview at the four Louisiana law schools and two Mississippi law schools. I don't know how many slots they have open for the summer clerkship, and how many of their branches they're hiring at - best case scenario I'm competing with 89 other law students (with better grades and actual connection) for maybe 6-12 spots.

So, interview next Friday and the following Monday. This firm, if they like me, they could hire me next summer and then when I'm out of school. I'm trying not to pressure myself, but it could be a sweet deal.

The good news is, I got my hair cut.

The bad news is, I look like Dorothy Hamill. Oh, she talked lots about side bangs and notching for volume and hairlines - but the reality is, it's a Dorothy Hamill. Better for ice skating than litigating. I just hope my interviewers have some retro fantasy.

The good news is, I bought a $60 blender for $20, including a food chopper. The bad news is, well, none except maybe that it won't be easy to find a place to stash it in my mini-kitchen. I'll go now to Whole Foods to get some soft tofu and wheat germ to make a Tami Breakfast Special (blended silken tofu with orange juice and fruit (strawberries/bananas) and wheat germ - open to much modification, of course, but it sounds like a delic dinner).

The good news is, things are splendid with Dayton right now. No bad news there at all.

The good news is, Fred (my Liberian brother) knows somebody who knows the head of the Truth and Reconciliation Forum and he'll use his contacts to help get me an internship there.

The good news is, while I still feel a little out of it, my caffeine withdrawal headache today is much more manageable.

The good news is, my writing instructor just emailed that she has returned all our drafts to our folders. The bad news is, I have to get a move-on with writing the rest of it and reworking what I turned in.

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