Sunday, February 04, 2007

Thow me a bone, monsieur

Because library book-sorting and successions and Latino legal clinics and Habitat hammer-swinging and everything else I do is apparently not enough ...

I just emailed the Barkus Krewe to ask if they need me to volunteer on parade day. It's the all-dog parade (leashed humans allowed) and it's next Sunday and I'm going one way or another (I was thinking of trying to convince Tami that Bekher HAS to go). Might as well be useful.

I'm getting pretty darn stoked about this whole Mardi Gras thing. I always find February-March the dreariest months - but here they know how to knock out those drearies. Now I just have to figure out what to give up for Lent. Maybe kingcake will be enough of a sacrifice.

Gotta love the Barkus poster for this year. Is that not totally Selma? I can so see her sitting on a balcony like that, doing her Blanche DuBois.

1 comment:

Gummy said...

It DOES look like her!!! =) I could see her on a balcony too, only thinking of many things in her head, disagreeing or agreeing with what was going on in the streets, and inventing creative solutions and ideas as she looked down on everyone, ha ha ha...