Saturday, February 10, 2007


My spyboy and your spyboy ...

Iko Iko ...

We all know that song; it's by Sugar Boy Crawford. I didn't know it was about the Mardi Gras Indians. Mardi Gras Indians are totally cool, man - and I'm way glad it's not about revenge anymore.
So the unknown Canadian stranger is tucked away in her hostel. She's quite nice and I'm glad I could help her. We went to the African restaurant and then to Cafe du Monde - because what else would I do with a NOLA visitor besides stuff their faces with beignets?
I'm thinking this whole Mardi Gras thing is pretty cool - people walking around with beads showed me I'd just missed a parade. So next year, everybody who is reading this is ordered to come visit. February 5, 2008 - so the two weekends before that are the best. And I promise to get a larger place so that I can host.
So I got home to an email that I am indeed volunteering tomorrow starting at 10. Another day shot. I'm totally screwed. But, I'll have fun, so it's all good.

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