Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mystical Krewe of Barkus - Streetcar Named Desire Parade

So, my first Mardi Gras parade was a great success - much fun was had. Dogs in great costumes, often matching their owners. I was amazed at how many dogs were there and how great they all seemed to be getting along most of the time. They were so happy - it is such the canine social event of the season. And, I got a slice of kingcake and a cup of jambalaya, so I got my NOLA fix for the day. (And I may just break down and buy myself a darn kingcake - even if I eat the whole thing. Mardi Gras is NEXT WEEK! And then NO MORE FOR A YEAR! And, I realized how early MG is next year - so it's a SHORT kingcake season! I'm already panicked about that!)
I didn't technically see the parade - I volunteered until later than I expected and now I have to get work done. I figure I'll get to stand around and see plenty of parades. And now I know - the party AFTER the parade is when the real fun happens - but, I couldn't spend my whole day there, so next year (when friends visit, hint, hint), I know better and can plan accordingly.
The Canadian showed up with a Korean who doesn't really speak English, and trying to explain the whole "Streetdog named Desire" thing to him really didn't work. Also Joan and Doug, whom I volunteered with the first time I came to NOLA, showed up so I got to catch up with them which was really nice. I spent most of my time helping out the folks of Mojo Coffee Shop, who will start tomorrow with selling King Cake by the slice because I begged. I met a couple other nice people and saw a couple classmates, as well as the immigration lawyer I decided not to hire. The Mojo guys are "husbands-in-law" - one guy is the ex-husband of the woman who is engaged to the other guy. They get along wonderfully well, which is great for all the kids involved.

There are cowbirds outside my window, I swear. I didn't think they came this far east, but they sure were just looking in my window as if to kick me out of my nest. Nasty things. There was a kitten trying to play in the trash cans outside my door yesterday - I've got quite the menagerie of non-pets.

Anyway, I'll try to post all my pics to my account throughout Mardi Gras. Enjoy!

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