Wednesday, February 21, 2007

not as easy as it was

When I woke up this morning it was pouring rain - icky, grey weather and I didn't want to venture out.

After spending hours emailing and procrastinating, however, I looked out and suddenly it was beautiful. So, back to Plan A. I put on my walking shoes and out the door I went. It's two miles to the post office, so I thought I'd do that and back and call it good. For me that's burning less than 300 calories, but it's better than nothing fo sho.

I'm sore. My muscles are rebelling and didn't like it one bit. In 30 minutes I have to walk the mile to school and my legs aren't too happy. Tough.

It's discouraging, how quickly I lose muscle tone. I walk every day to school and frequently more. In Senegal I walked miles and miles a day. Of course, that was at the pace of a Senegalese woman = not very fast. I walked a marathon two years ago. Why is four miles causing hamstring grief?

Because I'm a big baby, that's why.

And now I have to walk the 5K on Sunday, just to do it (or as Tiff says, good homework procrastination). Next year I can do the half marathon. They call it Mardi Gras Marathon, but it's after, so it should be the Lent Marathon. Denial Marathon.

Now I got a pot of red beans on, to let it sit while I'm away at class and hopefully be about ready when I get back. Yummilicious and lots of protein.

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