Wednesday, February 14, 2007

good adrenaline

I'm having a hard time focusing - I have one hour to do about three hours of reading. This is what I get for not taking my books home with me.

But we just finished a roundtable on Latino Legal Issues of New Orleans and it went really, really well. I recruited the speaker and coordinated that with the coordinator, and then today we went and got the catering order and showed up and there were like 30 people in the audience, which is pretty darn amazing. The speaker did an awesome job - she brought a packet of like 35 articles and talked through them, and then I did a plug for getting people to volunteer and it worked.

People were way into hearing and it was so cool. But all that adrenaline - picking up Jess and helping her finish getting food ready, going to restaurant and figuring the order, getting to school just in time, finding the speaker on the streets and leading her in to introduce her, then driving home quickly to run back to school (no parking anywhere closer than my house), then hearing her speak and helping facilitate all that - it's a lot of good adrenaline pumping with that. We were all nervous about it turning out well, and it did, so it's great.

But now I feel like I need to be driving around crazily or doing something else, and sitting still and reading is hard. I should be at a Spanish class meeting but I have too much to do. So glad I finished my paper last night!!

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